Sunday, February 16, 2020

Economics of war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economics of war - Research Paper Example The causes of war have been different over the years and so have been their consequences. While come believe that wars are wrong no matter why they are caused and what is gained out of them; others believe that all’s well that ends well. But wars have never ended in good only. When it has resulted in a power fight and one nation seems to have won it, it has also lost the blood of many of its dedicated soldiers and other innocent nationals of its area. These days, almost every nation is equipped with nuclear weaponry making wars more deadly than ever. The first nuclear attack in the world was on Nagasaki and Hiroshima at the time of the end of World War 1. It marked the end of these cities and the civilizations that nurtured there. With the years going by, nuclear weaponry has only improved, thereby, indicating that now if one nation decided to blow up another using its nuclear power, it most likely to destruct a large part of the globe (Poast, 115). Indeed, the loss will be mu ch greater in emotional, financial and earthy sense than anyone can imagine. This is why it is very important for nations to carefully understand the economics of war before indulging themselves in such an activity. We are here not only to conquer places and make money but also to learn to live in harmony with each other. Every nation, color, creed and civilization is different from the other but this is no excuse for a war, we need to understand and accept these differences and in fact cherish them (Walzer, 200). Economics of war The most fundamental concept of Economics is of opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is the cost of what we forgo for what we gain or hope to gain from anything that we consume or purchase or decide about. For example, if a nation wishes to indulge in a war with another nation, it needs to first evaluate what it may gain. It may achieve success, money, land, power, slaves etc. it also needs to evaluate what it may lose in the process. And it may lose all tha t it may gain in addition to the lives of many innocent people. Also, it would waste its time and resources which may have been put to better use otherwise(Arnson, 45). Thus this evaluation of economics of war is essential for all the nations today. Any nation that decides to posing a war without thinking of its consequences will be doing more harm to itself and the world than it can imagine. Wastage of scarce resources The world is full of scarce resources. We need to use them very carefully or we will deprive ourselves and our coming generations of blessings like electricity, locomotives and other machines that make our lives much easier. Wars on the other hand require a lot of resources, a lot more than we can otherwise imagine consuming in the same time frame. Thus, when indulging in warfare, a country needs to be sure what it is at the risk of losing. Weaponry is expensive so is fuel that is used to drive large tanks and nuclear weapons and missiles are very expensive and destr uctive. A country may very well use the economic resources that it plans on warfare to improving its own nation’s industries, roads, parks and other national amenities thereby improving the living standard of its nationals (Egnal, 314). The world is a global village. We all live in a very interrelated surrounding. The ecosystem is balanced because one thing supports the other. It is all like a large heap of books, one on the other. The war may be a blow

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Executive Level Financial Report Research Paper for RenDi Corporation

Executive Level Financial Report for RenDi Corporation - Research Paper Example Results from the analysis of data, shows clearly that Southwest Airlines has made greater strides to becoming a market force in the aviation industry by keeping at par with average industry ratios (Mazzeo, 2003). The fact that the company’s ratios are not so high above industry average however means that entrusting it with a five year long commitment would not be advisable. It can therefore be concluded that the prospects of the company in its current state with effect from the year 2009 is neutral. This means that the performance of the company is neither below average nor above average. Based on this, the major recommendation that is put across is for RenDi Corporation to enter into a short term commitment of a maximum period of three years with Southwest Airlines. 2.0 Overview of Southwest Airline as an aviation company From a humble beginning in 1971 where Southwest Airline operated with only three (3) Boeing 737 aircrafts in Texas, the company has today grown to be a majo r force in the air transport industry. It is refreshing to note that the company currently operates a total of five hundred and fifty (550) Boeing 737 aircrafts with other standby aircrafts for emergency service delivery. By a random and non-itemized evaluation, it would be true to argue that the company has made a lot of important progress that are worth commending. One important area that continues to be a major competitive advantage of the company over key competitors has to do with the corporate attention that the company gives to customers. Such customer satisfaction culture has continued to build a paradigm around the company whereby customers who have tried other competitors become convinced of the quest to keep doing business with Southwest Airlines because of the customer satisfaction they guarantee. Another major area of competitive advantage has to do with the corporate responsibility of the company, which has been directed at keeping a safe and green environment. This pa rticular vision of the company is kept alive by the use of environmental friendly sources of fuel. One of such sources of fuel has been identified to include renewable synthetic diesel fuel, which has lately proven to be very effective and efficient in the air transport business. To RenDi Corporation, the latter is an opportunity to establish firm business lines and linkages with Southwest Airlines and thus this comprehensive research report to test the authenticity of the performance rate of the company. 3.0 An evaluation of Southwest Airline's financial performance for the period 2009, 2010, & 2011 3.1 Profitability Within the period of 2009 to 2011, Southwest Airline has given different and varying indications of its ability to generate income and subsequently maintain growth. First, it can be seen that the company responses sharply to prevailing global economic trend. This is because unlike 2008 where the net income of the company was US$179 million, this dropped to a woeful US$ 99 million by the end of 2009 when the global economic crunch was at its peak (Southwest One Report, 2010, p. 7). In 2010 and 2011, the profit of the company in terms of net income increased steadily over 2009 but not earlier years like 2006 and 2007 mainly because the recessionary recovery were not completely over. In the year 2011 for instance, the profit of th